Selection of the right type of brush

JAZ ZUBIAURRE: Información técnica de materiales

Please, consider the following criteria when selecting a brush:

To choose the kind of brush:

  • The work to be done.
  • Application surface.
  • RPM parameters of the machine.

To decide on the type of material, wire or nylon abrasive:

  • The material of the application surface.
  • Desired Finishing.
  • RPM parameters for machine.

Work efficiency increases as a brush diameter increases. To calculate the biggest possible diameter, it is necessary to consider the maximum RPM of the power tool or machine being used (i.e. for an electric tool with maximum RPM of 6,000, the brush should not exceed 175 mm diameter). A shorter trim length provides a more aggressive brushing action, whereas flexibility to adapt to irregular or uneven surfaces increases as trim length increases. In contrast to abrasives and cutting tools, wire brushes do not remove the base material of a treated surface. Herein, brushes serve as an essential tool for a wide range of industrial processes.

Multithreads and Adapters The exclusive and patented JAZ threaded nut provides for a number of advantages: Easier tightening into machines. Higher resistance of the brush against possible deformation. The multithread option allows the use of one brush on machines with different types of spindle: R88 threaded nut: fits both 5/8-11” and M14-2 machines. R77 threaded nut: fits both M10x1,25 and M10x1,5.

The purpose of these innovations is to help distributors better manage the line by reducing the number of SKU-s or items and improve their level of service to their customers and end users.

Diagram to calculate the Power required on Wheel Brushes

JAZ ZUBIAURRE: Criterios de selección de cepillos

Troubleshooting Guide

Problem Suggested Solutions
Brush is too aggressive Increase trim length
Decrease wire diameter
Work at lower speed
Finish too coarse Increase trim length
Decrease wire diameter
Choose a nylon abrasive brush
Action of brush is not uniform Decrease brushing pressure
Decrease wire diameter
Work at lower speed
Life of the brush is too short Decrease wire diameter
Increase brush diameter
Decrease brushing pressure

Several factors can influence a brush application. If the selected brush does not achieve the expected result, the following table may provide solutions for the most common problems faced by the user.

For further information, please contact our Technical Department.

Multi-thread adapters:
JAZ is offering a variety of thread adapter options from 5/8-11” nuts:

  • ADP. W5/8-F10: adapter to M10x1,25.
  • ADP. W5/8-M10: adapter to M10x1,5.
  • ADP. W5/8-U38: adapter to 3/8”-24.
  • ADP. W5/8-R77: multi-adapter to both M10x1,25 and M10x1,5.

This last option, when used in conjunction with an R88 thread, can substitute 4 different thread options.

JAZ ZUBIAURRE: Criterios de selección de cepillos

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